Top 5 Simple, Warming Soups with Global Flavor

Top 5 Simple, Warming Soups with Global Flavor

I'm throwing a fundraising dinner to benefit the International Rescue Committee's work with Syrian refugees and also our local refugee community, and we're serving soup. I adore soup. It feels like love in a bowl. It's pretty much my favorite food and so I'm delighted with my friend Christina's idea to have all of us hosts make a vat of soup to ladle out to guests who will each donate what they'd pay for a meal out. And so now I'll have to think about what soup I'll make. These are my favorites, worthy of consideration as we pay tribute to the Light in our community, and the Light that lies in all people.

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Keith has fond memories of his great Uncle Leo stirring a cauldron of mouligiane in his backyard every Thanksgiving. All the guests would take a jar home as a Christmas gift. It's now a staple of our Christmas kitchen, and we give jars to teachers, friends, coaches, and neighbors. This recipe makes about 10-12 pint jars full, though you can also make it in half-pint jars, depending on how garlicky you like your friends.

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Rabbit Ragù

Rabbit Ragù

I was strolling the Charlottesville farmer’s market when a sign caught my attention. “Frozen Bunny.”  I blanched just a bit, but I was fascinated—by the vendor (who refers to their meat in adorable terms?), by the beer cooler full of vacuum-packed rabbit legs, and by the memory of rabbit ragu. I impulsively decided to attempt it. Even though I’d never cooked with rabbit before and was more than a little intimidated. To soothe my nerves, I asked the vendor how to prepare it. His descriptions of frying it like chicken didn’t help. But I did enjoy the tomato he threw in with my $6.00/pound rabbit. Once home, I stuck the paper bag wrapped meat in the freezer and tried to forget my foolishness. But the memory of the thyme scented meat in that velvety sauce… I had to give it a whirl. 

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