Michelle Damiani

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IBC around the Web

Looking for stories from IBC around the web?  Here are some of my favorites...

I joined Untold Italy for a podcast on Uncovering Umbria’s Towns and Villages.

Here's a write-up I did of our year abroad for My Italy

I loved writing up my idea of One Perfect Day in Spello for A Merry Feast.

This one will feel familiar to IBC readers. It was published in Brain, Child (I've been a long time reader, so this was a thrill) during the year we were in Italy.

Our local guide to all things Charlottesville, Cville, featured our story, along with that of other short-term expat families. 

Keith and I were interviewed for The Expat Chat podcast, a free podcast about people seeking new lives in new places.

I've written two articles for Cheeseweb, one on struggling with the uncertainty of language in expat life, and the other on coping with reverse-culture shock. The latter was a form of therapy, and I'm still grateful to Cheeseweb for asking me to write it. We discovered Cheeseweb when planning our trip to Brussels, and I quickly connected to Alison. So much so that she and Andrew came and visited us during our tenure in Spello, and took some fantastic photos.  One of those photos can be found on the cover of IBC! A real testament to effortless and lovely expat friendships.