Alone in the most romantic city in the world
/This was not the trip I signed up for.
Read MoreThis was not the trip I signed up for.
Read MoreThe guidebooks will tell you that Ghent makes a great half-day trip from Brussels or Bruges. They’re wrong.
Read MoreHold onto your hats. Your family will never be the same.
Read MoreWell, my socks are officially knocked off.
Read MoreIsle of Skye is not just bananas, it is unhinged.
Read MoreAlternative title for this article: “Visiting Scotland—What to read and how to avoid mortal peril.”
Read MoreHow we began our trip to the UK with a stop in London for a Premier League Game, including directions for how you, too, can include this experience in your trip.
Read MoreHow I became a beginner again, surrounded by the excellent food and jaw-dropping beauty of a France few tourists see.
Read MoreHow France’s City of Light shed clarity on a year in Italy.
Read MoreI know you wish you could travel. File this post under, “At least Michelle is doing legwork for me so when the travel gates open, I’m guaranteed a phenomenal trip.”
Read MoreWho knew that mountain fun could be had in Switzerland, even for non-skiers?
Read MoreHow to enjoy an exciting trip to America’s iconic city. Without children.
Read MoreWhat we enjoyed at the Whistler resort in British Columbia.
Read MoreFrench food and language, blurred with frontier sensibility, lie due North.
Read MoreThinking of exploring SE Asia as a family? Start here.
Read MoreHow Asia keeps you curious, and therefore traveling more intentionally.
Read MoreWebsite for Michelle Damiani, author of Il Bel Centro: A Year in the Beautiful Center, the funny and heartfelt memoir of an American family living in Spello, as well as Santa Lucia, a page-turner set on the Umbria border.
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Featured speaker on panel discussing Romance for “Santa Lucia”