Why Write in Italy?
/There is an art to starting from scratch. Let me show you.
Read MoreHere’ll you find trip reports from up and down the Boot, from Turin to Sicily, from Cinque Terre to Puglia. If you want new wanderlust stories delivered to your email inbox once a month, make sure you sign up for my newsletter, the Grapevine. As a special welcome gift, I’ll send you an e-copy of my bestselling novel, Santa Lucia. Imagine that! In a few keystrokes, you’ll be transported to the landscapes, the cities, and the beauty of Italy. No passport required.
There is an art to starting from scratch. Let me show you.
Read MoreIt took me 30 years to return to Cinque Terre. Here’s what I discovered.
Read MoreUse this guide to fall in love with Cinque Terre.
Read MorePlanning a day trip to Florence for your next trip to Italy? Think again.
Read MoreHow a beloved children’s book changed how I think about Venice. With loads of recommendations to help you enjoy even an off-season visit to La Serenissima.
Read MoreOur visit to the UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Read MoreHow Gallipoli takes the Italian concept of “mangia pesce” and turns it into a lifestyle and an art form.
Read MoreI bet you’ve never heard of Torre Chianca. Will you want to go there after reading this post? Let’s see….
Read MoreI love Italian details, especially light fixtures.
Read MoreAn American wine-guy shares why he fell in love with Le Marche, and how to explore his favorite region of Italy.
Read MoreLearn why Bologna is known as “the learned, the fat, and the red.” And also why it needs to be on your bucket list.
Read MoreHow I lost my breath and found it again in Abruzzo.
Read MoreSicily is ripe with incidental adventures. Letting them happen was part of what made our trip wonderful. And Favignana was the butterfly-shaped island that brought that into Sicilian-water clarity.
Read MoreYou'd think that since Sicily is where Keith and I began our decline, it would be associated with illness and shortness of breath. But it's not. It still seems magic—painted in bold brushstrokes and wreathed in sunshine. Such is the power of Sicily.
Read MoreScopello is also home of a tonnara, a historic tuna fishery that sounds evocative but was actually an example of the downside of under researching. Yes, going in cold can lead to adventures and a sense of discovery. It can also lead to significant grumpiness.
Read MoreSicily is scented with jasmine and wild herbs—fennel and oregano and something sweet and toasty, maybe fenugreek? This mix of cultivated and untamed is seen everywhere. Trim lines of grapevines leading to dramatic, craggy mountains. Neat rows of olive trees divided by a riot of shimmering undergrowth. Stately Greek ruins rising from a profusion of colorful, delicate wildflowers. That's just Sicily, or at least the tiny corner of Sicily we were able to explore.
Read MoreWebsite for Michelle Damiani, author of Il Bel Centro: A Year in the Beautiful Center, the funny and heartfelt memoir of an American family living in Spello, as well as Santa Lucia, a page-turner set on the Umbria border.
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A trip to Italy is better with language basics! Here’s my recommended course to learn Italian and make your trip fantastico!
Featured speaker on panel discussing Romance for “Santa Lucia”